Religious Gifts
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Christian Engraved Family Tree Stand
Christian Gift: Personalized Family Tree Plaque
Catholic Gift: Engraved Family Tree Stand
Catholic Personalized Family Tree Plaque
Our Lady of Guadalupe Christmas Ornament Gift
Our Lady of Fatima Ornament 100th Anniversary Gift
Our Lady of Guadalupe Gift: 11" Preserved Real Rose
Our Lady of Fatima 100 Years Gift: 11" Preserved Rose
11" Preserved Rose in Our Lady of Fatima Rosewood Case
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Religious Gifts

St. Patrick's Day Gifts For Her
Why Give Religious Gifts?
A thoughtful present that puts faith front and center is always an ideal choice for a religious man or woman. These gifts provide religious inspiration while being useful and beautiful to boot. They will feel encouraged and cherished every time they see these great religious gifts.
Are These Gifts Only For Religious Holidays?
Religious Gift giving season is always in full swing. Although we mainly think about it the most around the holidays, there is always a reason to give a gift. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and “just because” are scattered throughout our year. Sometimes it can be hard to find the perfect religious gift. We want to give something that is meaningful to our loved ones. Every day is a chance to share God's grace and blessings to the people around you. That is why we offer meaningful and special religious gifts to make people feel overwhelmed by God's love all year round. These gifts are not just great for Christmas. They are perfect for celebrating Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays, and faith-related occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, baptisms and even confirmations.
So What Religious Gifts Do We Offer?
Our gold and silver dipped roses with Our Lady's images have become a favorite amongst our customers. Maybe she loves roses enough to wear one close to her chest? The Our Lady of Guadalupe 24k Gold Real Red Rose Pendant would be perfect for her in that case! We also have gold and silver Christmas Ornaments with similare images on them. We even have beautiful wall crosses both for memorials and anniversaries which make great keepsakes that last a lifetime. The whole family will love our custom religious family trees when hung from a wall in your home. Their beliefs don't even have to go by the wayside when at work. Our Lady of Guadalupe Pen set is a perfect desk accessory.
Our Lady of Guadalupe & The Miracle of the Roses
16th Century Mexico
During the 16th century, the indigenous people of Mexico were living under the dominance of idolatry. Far from embracing the faith of Christ, the Aztec people were subjected to worshiping many gods. Blessed Mary was troubled by the fact that so many were valuing other gods above her son, Jesus. She instituted change with the help of the humble Juan Diego. Born Cuauhtlatoazin (which means "speaking eagle") in 1474 in Cuautlitlán, a region of Mexico, Juan Diego converted to the Catholic faith at the age of 50. After receiving the sacrament of baptism, he took the name Juan Diego.
Blessed Mary Appears Before Juan Diego
On December 9, 1531, Juan Diego was traveling on foot to attend mass not far from his home, when he came to a hill called Tepeyac. While standing at the hill, he was overcome with the sound of beautiful music. The music was described by Juan Diego as being like many birds singing in harmony. Listening in amazement, Juan Diego suddenly saw a white, radiant cloud appear before him. From the beaming cloud came a female voice that called out "Juan! Juan!" Staring in amazement at the bright light and the sound of a voice, he heard the voice call him again, "Juan! Come closer!" As Juan Diego drew nearer, he saw the Blessed Virgin standing before him just below the cloud. He described the image as: "The radiance of her garments transformed into the likeness of precious jewels the stones beneath her feet... the very soil had become a carpet of jasper, tinted in many colors."
Blessed Mary spoke to him, "Know, my beloved son, that I am the Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God, who is the Author of Life, the Creator of all things and the Lord of heaven and earth; who is everywhere. It is my wish that you build me a temple on this site. Here, as the loving Mother of you and of your fellow men, I will show forth my living kindness and compassion for your people and for those who love me and seek me, and call upon me in their labors and afflictions. Here I will hear their cries and their petitions, I will comfort and assuage."
Mary instructed Juan Diego to go to the bishop in Mexico and to tell him exactly what he saw and heard so that a temple could be built in her honor.
A Doubting Bishop
Juan Diego heeded Blessed Mary's commands and traveled to see Bishop Juan de Zumarraga. His meeting proved futile, however, as the bishop dismissed him without believing the story. Greatly disappointed that he wasn't able to fulfill Blessed Mary's wishes, he returned to the Hill of Tepeyac where Blessed Mary appeared to him a second time. He told Mary of his failure to convince the bishop and urged her to send someone "noble and worthy of respect, for I am a poor, rustic lowly man." Mary responded, "My well-beloved son it is through your intervention that my will and my desire must be done." She urged him to return the next day to visit the bishop with the message, "she who sends you is the Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God."
In Search of a Sign
The next day, December 10, Juan Diego traveled as instructed to the residence of the bishop. After hearing what Juan Diego had to tell him, the bishop was still not convinced. He told Juan Diego to ask Blessed Mary to give him a sign so that he would know without a doubt that she is the Mother of God and that it is her will for a temple to be built. Blessed Mary calmly listened to the request and told Juan Diego to come the following morning where she would give him a sign to take to the bishop.
Missed Opportunity
The following day, December 11, Juan Diego wasn't able to keep his promise to visit Blessed Mary. His uncle, Juan Bernardino, was gravely ill and he spent the day tending to him. Fearing that his uncle would soon die, he set out at dawn on December 12, to summon a priest to administer last rites. As he neared the Hill of Tepeyac, Juan Diego remembered with despair his failure to meet Blessed Mary the day before. Shamefully, he decided to go an alternate way. Soon, Blessed Mary appeared to him. After hearing Juan Diego apologize, she told him, "It is well, littlest and dearest of my sons, but now listen to me. Do not let anything afflict you and be not afraid of illness or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Are you not in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need? Do not fear for your uncle for he is not going to die. Be assured... he is already well." Juan Diego rejoiced at her words.
Miracle of the Roses - Our Lady of Guadalupe
As promised, Blessed Mary gave Juan Diego a sign to bring to the bishop. She instructed him to go to the top of the hill and to cut all the roses he found blooming and to place them in his cloak. He listened to Blessed Mary but was doubtful he would find any roses because the area was rocky and never produced any vegetation. To his amazement, Juan Diego found a bountiful collection of fragrant roses when he reached the top. He gathered them in his cloak (tilma) and brought them to Mary. She rearranged the roses in his tilma and instructed him to take them to the bishop as the sign he requested. She stressed the importance of keeping his cloak closed and to not show anyone but the bishop what he carried.
Juan Diego carefully traveled with the roses and when he eagerly appeared before the bishop, he opened his tilma and released the many roses. The bishop stood in astonishment, not because of the roses, but because before him appeared a colorful image of Blessed Mary on the fabric of Juan Diego's cloak. It was the exact image of the Blessed Mary Juan Diego encountered on the hill of Tepeyac. Both the bishop and Juan Diego were awe-struck at this miracle. With great reverence and deep faith, the bishop finally believed the woman to be Blessed Mary.
Final Apparition
On the same day Blessed Mary appeared to Juan Diego and instructed him to take the roses to the bishop, she also appeared to his dying uncle. She restored him to full health and told him that her image from that moment forward should be known as Santa Maria de Guadalupe.
The tilma with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe remains perfectly preserved till this day. It has survived many centuries and even a bombing attempt to destroy it. It is on display at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
No one is certain why Blessed Mary chose the name Guadalupe. It is one of those great mysteries that perhaps one day will be revealed to someone entrusted by Mary to deliver the powerful message.
Source: Catholic Faith Store
The Message of Our Lady of Fatima
The story of the Fatima apparitions never seems to grow old but rather takes on other nuances as time approaches its 100th anniversary in 2017, with profound implications for the entire world. Paramount to the message, however, will always be the importance of prayer-especially the Rosary-and reparation before the Most Blessed Sacrament, to appease God, who is so profoundly offended by the blatant sinfulness of his creatures. Our Lady begs for constant prayer and sacrifice to bring about global peace and conversions, and to deflect souls from hell's inferno. Her Immaculate Heart is the most compassionate in pleading for "poor" sinners.
Apparitions of The Angel
Any discussion of Our Lady's visits of 1917 to Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto in Fatima should be preceded with reference to the 1916 appearances of the Angel, who identified himself to the trio as the "Angel of Peace" and the "Guardian Angel of Portugal," at the Loca do Cabeco, which was a tiny impression near Fatima. The three visits of the Angel occurred in the spring, the summer and the autumn of that year. While "tilling the soil" for Our Blessed Mother's subsequent appearances, the Angel emphasized to the three shepherd children the importance of prayer and sacrifice, and the Real Presence of Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament and reparation to be offered to It.
The Three Apparitions of the Angel in 1916
During the spring apparition, the Angel of Peace invited the children to pray with him and taught them the prayer that we know as the Pardon Prayer:
My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you! I ask pardon of you for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love you!
The appearance in the summer witnessed the encouragement uttered by the Guardian Angel of Portugal to Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta:
Pray! Pray very much! The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High.
And in that second apparition, the Angel was not finished giving counsel:
Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. You will thus draw down peace upon your country. I am its Angel Guardian, the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you.
The third and final appearance of the Angel that occurred during the autumn also featured a prayer for the children to learn:
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you profoundly, and I offer you the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is offended. And through the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of you the conversion of poor sinners.
Apparitions of Our Lady
Our Lady appeared on the following days: Sunday, May 13; Wednesday, June 13; Friday, July 13; Sunday, August 19; Friday, September 13; and Sunday, October 13:
The thirteenth of these months was so honored by Mary's visit, except in August when the children were jailed by Arturo de Oliveira Santos, the apparently Communist-leaning Administrator of Villa Nova de Ourém, the county to which Fatima belonged, who threatened them by employing myriad scare tactics so that they would renounce their assertion of having encountered "The Lady"-but to no avail. The children were taken hostage on Monday, August 13 and released on Wednesday, August 15-the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Madonna then chose August 19 for that month's apparition, which occurred not at the Cova da Iria but at Valinhos, a hollow situated on the northern slope of the Loca do Cabeco-the site of the Angel's visits to the children.